About Emptiness
Q: Earlier you were mentioning about "Emptiness", I have heard of teachers teaching that emptiness means letting the mind go blank, as if that is possible. Perhaps you would like to elaborate further on what you mean by "emptiness"?
Tek: "Emptiness," this is from the very famous and commonly quoted phrase from the Heart Sutra, or Xin Jing, or Prajna Paramita. The quote goes "O Suriputra, (you should see) the Form is Emptiness and the Emptiness is Form. The Form is no different from Emptiness and Emptiness is no different from Form, as well as Feeling, Perception, Formation and Consciousness."
According to Gautama Buddha, "real emptiness has it's substantial form." E.g. a zero number has a value of zero, and zero value could be expressed by the number zero. Does the above analogy make sense to you? The Heart Sutra is the essence of Ch'an (Zen), and Ch'an is the basis of Shaolin Martial Arts. I wish the readers (of this website) could relate.
Q: Thank you Master Tek for taking the time to telling all these to us.
Tek: Thanks for your valuable time and effort as well. I do wish the practitioners of Taijiquan could really make use of the Taiji essence by applying it to their day-to-day life.
Q: Earlier you were mentioning about "Emptiness", I have heard of teachers teaching that emptiness means letting the mind go blank, as if that is possible. Perhaps you would like to elaborate further on what you mean by "emptiness"?
Tek: "Emptiness," this is from the very famous and commonly quoted phrase from the Heart Sutra, or Xin Jing, or Prajna Paramita. The quote goes "O Suriputra, (you should see) the Form is Emptiness and the Emptiness is Form. The Form is no different from Emptiness and Emptiness is no different from Form, as well as Feeling, Perception, Formation and Consciousness."
According to Gautama Buddha, "real emptiness has it's substantial form." E.g. a zero number has a value of zero, and zero value could be expressed by the number zero. Does the above analogy make sense to you? The Heart Sutra is the essence of Ch'an (Zen), and Ch'an is the basis of Shaolin Martial Arts. I wish the readers (of this website) could relate.
Q: Thank you Master Tek for taking the time to telling all these to us.
Tek: Thanks for your valuable time and effort as well. I do wish the practitioners of Taijiquan could really make use of the Taiji essence by applying it to their day-to-day life.